"The Mission at Veluxity" (production) is released...
Veluxity released the second video in it’s series of productions designed to depict the overall experiences our clients have while working with us. This second production is titled “The Mission At Veluxity” and aims to provide it’s viewers with an exciting perspective into the luxury yacht charter and exotic car rental services provided by Veluxity to West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami and Miami Beach (as well as surrounding areas). Veluxity has long deemed itself the “innovator” in the exotic car rental business and invites prospective clients to strongly consider our services for future vacations, business trips, special events or leisurely activities.
Whether it’s a Rolls Royce on a 102’ Yacht or a Bentley GTC Convertible for the day, we can make your luxury car rental accommodations happen in Miami, Fort Lauderdale or West Palm Beach. We look forward to hearing from you!